92.5 FM

We’ve been the #1 Station in Provo since 1980.

A La Cart Advertising Rates

Our rates are just $25 per play for 30 second ads and $40 per play for 60 second ads.
There is a $50 fee to produce your radio ad. Ads are broadcast at: 15 and: 45 each hour. Midnight – 6am is commercial free.

Please note that it takes a minimum of 24 hours to get your ad on the radio
Minimum advertising purchase $350

All advertisers must Pay Before We Play your radio ad
Phone: 649-333-4487
WhatsApp: 705-443-2884
Email: Kenny@925fm.tc

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Limited Time Special

The Power Kiss Combo Package

Your ads play on two radio stations for one low price

Here’s how the Power KISS Combo Package works:

Spend $1000 or more, and your ads will play on Power 92.5 FM & 102.5 KISS FM
You get 2 stations for the price of one!

Power 92.5 FM is the #1 Radio Station for Belongers
KISS FM is the #1 Radio Station for Expatriates
Now you can target the largest/most diverse audience possible!

TCI’s only radio stations that play your ads on 2 stations for the price of 1!
Spend $250 per week or more and your 30 second commercial plays on 92.5 AND Kiss FM 6 times daily on each station.

Money Saving Advertising Packages For Small Turks and Caicos Businesses Only


NEW!!! Money Saving Package #1

15 second ads (no more than 40 words) for just $250 per month (3 plays 6pm-12pm daily)

NEW!!! Money Saving Package #2

30 second ads (no more than 80 words) for just $250 per month (Midnight-6am)

NEW!!! Radio & TV Combo Package

6 ads per day on Power 92 & Kiss FM + multiple ads per day on Real Estate TV Channel 6 on Digicel Cable – broadcast to virtually every hotel room, home and villa on island to over 500,000 tourists and locals on island with Digicel Cable boxes in The TCI for just $1500 per month

The Super Saver Package

$500 per month

Your 30 second commercial plays on 92.5 OR Kiss FM 3 times daily

The Bronze Package

$1000 per month

Your 30 second commercial plays on 2 stations for the price of 1 – 6 times daily on both stations

The Silver Package

$2000 per month

Your 30 second commercial plays on 92.5 AND Kiss FM 24 times daily

The Gold Package

$3000 per month

Your 30 second commercial plays on 92.5 AND Kiss FM 28 times daily

The Platinum Package

$4000 per month

Your 30 second commercial plays on 92.5 AND Kiss FM 36 times daily

National Advertisers:

$50 per play 30 – 45 second ads
$60 per play 60 second ads

Power 92 has been The #1 Radio Station for Islanders in TCI for over 30 years, and 102.5 Kiss FM is The #1 Radio Station in TCI for wealthy Expat listeners.

Payment Instructions:

If paying cash – please deposit to FCIB Account#1705110 and email proof of deposit to accounting@925fm.tc


Please bring cheque payable to WIV FM RADIO LTD. to WB Financial (our accounting firm).
Located right across the street from Danny Buoys Restaurant in Grace Bay
Simply take the staircase of The Regent Village West to the second level – turn right and walk down to the very end- look for unit H205.

WB Financial is Open 8:30am – 5:00pm
Telephone: 649-941-7299
Email : accounting@925fm.tc

*Please note that it takes a minimum of 24 hours to get your ad on the air
Commercials are broadcast at: 15 and: 45 each hour from 6am – Midnight Midnight – 6am is commercial free

About Power 92.5 FM

More people listen to Power 92 than all other local Radio & TV Stations combined. We’ve been the #1 Station in Provo since 1980.

Local and National Advertisers choose Power 92.5 FM more than all other radio & TV stations on island. Our state of the art studios are located in The Beautiful Saltmills Plaza in downtown Grace Bay – the heart of the tourist district on the island of Providenciales in The Beautiful By Nature Turks & Caicos Islands.

We play The Top 40 Hits From Around The World. Power 92.5 FM is your community radio station. Community involvement and information are our top priorities, if it’s happening in TCI you’ll hear about it on Power 92.5 FM. We pride ourselves in broadcasting local news, weather and sports in the morning and afternoon. Plus in the event of a hurricane, Power 92.5 FM has the best and most reliable hurricane tracking reports for The TCI.

We are the only radio station in TCI with an emergency power generator so that we can remain on the air during hurricane power outages to provide up to the minute information for the people of The Turks & Caicos Islands.

Our Family
Advertise with Us

The Power Kiss Combo Package, your ads play on 2 radio stations for one low price.

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